
What Duties Do Security Officers Have? Know More...

Security Officers

Security guards are hired to protect the peace and safety of individuals at busy event venues, business areas, and other public places. Most companies rely on a security crew to protect their property from illegal actions such as assault, theft, and damage, as well as to protect their guests. When it comes to arranging events and protecting companies, hiring security guard services remains the top priority.

The objective and benefits of engaging a security crew for your company or social gatherings are simple to grasp. Because when you employ a security team, they ensure that your guests and clients may enjoy themselves without worry, and that you will not incur any financial losses as a result of theft or other illegal acts. As a business owner, your safety should always come first, which you can assure by employing a security team.

There are many similarities between police officers and security guards. They both wear uniforms and carry guns, and their jobs are to defend people and keep law and order in locations. A security guard is not a member of the police force. A security guard is not a public servant; rather, he or she serves a private individual and must work within certain constraints.

The borders that determine the laws of a security guard's conduct might get confused at times. So, in this article, we'll go through what a security guard may and cannot do.

Do They Have Power to Arrest?

A security guard may arrest a civilian under specific circumstances. When someone commits a criminal or an offence, a security guard may arrest them. As a member of the general public, you have the right to request the arrest of someone who has committed a crime. However, because security personnel are more equipped and more experienced in this area, they are a superior alternative for arresting someone. A security guard can only arrest someone after that; only police officers may take the arrest further. As a result, a security officer can arrest someone but cannot take any further action.

Do They Have the Authority to Do Physical Search?

A physical search is permitted by a security guard. When you engage a security guard to defend your property, they are authorized to physically examine persons before allowing them to enter. They can even request a physical inspection of someone entering or departing a store if they suspect them of stealing something. And, if someone refuses a physical examination, a security guard has the authority to detain them and even ban them from entering the venue.

No Irrational Force

A security guard may arrest a person, but he or she may not use excessive force in doing so. Physical force can only be used by security officers if the subject is fighting arrest or attempting to flee. It is unlawful to use handcuffs improperly, to use harsh words, or to threaten the individual. A security guard has the authority to hold a person until the police come. Excessive use of force will result in the citizen's arrest being illegal, which will harm the security guard's and their company's reputation.

No Weapons

Armed certified security guards are the one’s who can carry weapons. Front-line security staff must concentrate on dispute resolution techniques rather than physical force. These guards are permitted to carry handcuffs and are properly trained to use them. Armed guards, on the other hand, are permitted to carry guns.

Looking for a security guard? S&S Investigations & Security delivers professional security services to enterprises and institutions in need. We have a team of security specialists that have received the necessary training and are capable of dealing with any security danger. Get in touch with us today to receive a free quote!

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