
Qualities You Get With Our Security Service in Houston

Welcome back to our blog! In our last post, we were going over all the measures you should take to protect your Houston home when the holidays roll around. Hopefully, you all remained safe, your homes stayed secure, and you all had a wonderful holiday season. At S & S Investigations & Security Inc., we want to make sure your business and home are always secured and protected. That’s why we not only offer security services and technology but actual security officers that help you whenever you need, day or night. In this post, we wanted to let you know the characteristics that make a great security guard. Our security guards possess all these qualities and more. If you have been seriously considering getting some extra help for your business, it is important to remember these attributes and to call us in Houston

Qualities of a Great Security Guard


Security guards need to have a certain level of training before they step foot on the job. Getting the proper training will give them the skills to perform their job accurately and exceptionally. Most security guards also have particular licensing and certification that will also prove they have taken the time and have really considered their career choice. Our security servicemen and women are trained professionals, for the most complicated situations. They are well versed in how to protect your business, so you know with our security service, your livelihood will always been in good hands.


Along with training comes experience. When hiring a security service you trust, you want the security officers to have not only thorough training, but for them to have a plethora of experience. Having hands-on field experience makes the guard that much better for your business. They will have worked first hand in the field and will have taken their training and put it to good use. When we hire our security guards, we hire highly trained and experienced individuals that will know will do an exceptional job protecting your business.


When someone decides to become a security guard, that means they will be subjected to some strange, complicated, and even highly dangerous situations. Even though training and experience are extremely important, one of the main attributes of a guard comes down to who they are as a person. A security guard has to be honest in all situations. When you hire someone to protect something that means so much to you, they have to be able to be trusted. When you are not present, they will be out on the lines protecting your business, and will solely be in charge of what happens in those hours. Our security service provides heavy screenings of persons trying to become guards with us, so we know that will do an outstanding job for you.


You want a security guard that is intelligent and knows how to work around a tricky situation. You want them to follow your business’s policy as well as the standards we have set for our security staff. You want your guard to be able to avoid a dangerous situation if it’s avoidable, not steer into it. Our guards are well versed in de-escalating situations and keeping you, your store, and themselves out of harm’s way whenever possible.

Lead and Follow

To be a security guard means each individual needs to have the capability to lead a team and follow the team at the same time. Most of the time, you will want an entire team from our security services, which makes the most sense for protective purposes. Being in a team, your security guards are going to know when changes need to be made, and when action needs to be taken. Our guards know how to work well in a team and how to lead the group if necessary. When you choose security service with us in Houston, you will not be disappointed. If you are searching for the right security service for your business in Houston, look no further than S&S Investigations & Security Inc. Our security company has all the necessary tools you need to stay safe. If you aren’t wanting to implement a full security staff quite yet, look into one of our amazing security systems. Our goal is to keep every day as secure as the next. Check back for our next blog with more qualities your security guard should have!

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