
Do You Want to Improve Your Car Dealership? Here's How!

Because there are so many valuable assets on their grounds that can attract malicious opportunists, car dealerships can be crime magnets. Thieves seek to steal them for themselves or resell them since they may bring in a lot of money. Some vandals even enjoy destroying high-value objects for fun. Given all this, car dealership security is crucial.

It is critical to ensure that your car dealership has cutting-edge security systems to deter criminals. By employing professional security services, you can rest easy knowing that you will have enough evidence to apprehend criminals if they do strike.

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about car dealership security.

Understanding Assets When Dealing a Car

A vehicle dealership is full of valuable products that draw crooks. Among the assets you wish to keep safe from criminals are:

Documents and Cash

The cars appear to be the most conspicuous, yet it's not easy to drive off a parking lot without being spotted. As a result, when hunting for items to steal, criminals may look at other elements of the business.

Tools and Equipment

One uses these components to do car maintenance. However, some of the tools are pricey and can net a burglar a substantial sum of money.


All of the technology used by employees (phones, computers, monitors) can be appealing to someone wanting to steal from the location.

The value of all of this stuff and equipment quickly piles up. The more security you have on-site, the better you'll be able to secure these and any other assets from criminals.

Identifying Ways to Improve Car Dealership Security

With that list of valuable assets in mind, you'll want to be sure you've covered all of your bases. Here are four methods to make your auto dealership more secure.

  1. Keep track of the vehicles on the premises and the equipment and technologies your employees utilize. An updated inventory will make it simpler to spot missing items. It may also help protect you against internal theft.
  2. It's always a good idea to install proper lighting, especially on the exterior of your structure and around your property. Bright lights will typically cause a potential burglar to avoid your location in favor of somewhere darker. It's also a good idea to leave lights on in your lot after hours or on days when your dealership is closed.
  3. A good lighting situation isn’t beneficial if it doesn’t work, so make sure your lights and fixtures are in good working order—particularly those outside your building and surrounding your property. A potential criminal will generally avoid your area in favor of somewhere darker. It can also be a good idea to leave lights on in your lot after hours or on days when your dealership is closed.
  4. At a car dealership, security cameras are the best type of security you can have. Cameras are one of the few ways to not only catch a criminal in the act but also record it, so you have actual video evidence to present to the authorities and, if necessary, your insurance company if you need to submit a claim.

Getting the Best Security for Your Car Dealership

When you run a vehicle dealership, you have a lot of precious assets on your hands. To safeguard them from criminal actors intent on destroying your setup, you need the most excellent protection you can get. Alarms and bright lights are effective deterrents, but the best way to keep your business safe is to employ security services.

If you want to speak with a security company about any car dealership security concerns you may have, contact S&S Investigations & Security now!

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