
Benefits of Vehicle Patrols for Small Businesses

It is no secret that small businesses are the backbone of the United States economy. When small businesses struggle, the entire working class suffers. However, despite being the lifeblood of America, small businesses are also incredibly vulnerable. Not only do many small businesses lack the extensive resources of major corporations for everything from production to distribution, but they also do not have the built-in security systems that large companies have at their disposal. This does not mean, though, that a security program is out of reach for small businesses. In fact, vehicle patrols are an affordable security solution that offers multiple benefits for any small business that does not have the budget for on-site security guards.

Vehicle Patrols With A Uniformed Guard

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While many corporations are focused on fulfilling consumer demand in a global economy by running operations around the clock, the majority of small businesses in Texas towns such as La Porte and Beaumont are closed overnight. This means owners are forced to rely on security measures that are often out of their control when their business is most vulnerable: at night. With a vehicle patrol from S&S Investigations & Security, Inc., local business operators are capable of preventing criminal activity before it happens. Vehicle patrols are an especially effective deterrent for crime as they offer a marked security vehicle with a uniformed officer to prevent potential crimes ranging from vandalism to theft.

Electronically Monitored Drive-By Checks

In addition to the added peace of mind provided by having vehicle patrols, any small business owner can rest assured knowing the security is actively in place. At S&S, we use electronic monitoring to document every patrol, including the exact time and date as well as a log of any potential security threat or other illegal activity happening on the patrol grounds. This means that every patrol accurately records their security detail, providing valuable information to business owners on what is happening at their commercial locations after hours.

Law Enforcement Support

Finally, in addition to being a deterrent to crime and providing excellent information, vehicle patrols from S&S Investigations also allow security guards to instantly inform local law enforcement in the event of a break-in or other criminal activity. This can help many small business owners avoid discovering problems hours or days later upon returning to the property. Therefore, even in the event of a crime taking place on the property, local law enforcement can provide an immediate response. Not only can vehicle patrols then help prevent theft, but they can also help solve crimes and catch the criminals responsible by incorporating the police or other local authorities. Additionally, in the event of a catastrophe such as a fire, vehicle patrols can call the fire department and prevent such a tragedy from closing the doors of a local business. It is true that not every small business has the security budget available for full-time, on-site security guards, but vehicle patrols are an effective and affordable alternative. With the ability to deter crime, electronically document every patrol, as well as alert local authorities in real-time, vehicle patrols, provide real value to every small business through protection and peace of mind. If your Houston, La Porte, or Beaumont small business could benefit from additional security measures, contact us online today or call S&S Investigations & Security today at (866) 471-4342 to see if vehicle patrols are the right solution for you.

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